September 20, 2009


The long-awaited apples have arrived.  Some people refuse to believe that apple season ends at all and beg us all summer long for apple tarts and pies.  We believe that the hard-working apple needs a rest like all of us, so give it a summer vacation and let the rest of Ontario's bounty do the work.  Alas, the peaches, plums, and berries are on their way out and now is the time for apples to shine again!

The first of the spies, beautifully striated golden green and red......

Crispy, juicy, and the purest white flesh inside ......

Brown sugar, cinnamon, apple cider, and vanilla beans......

simmered for an hour and a half.....

spooned into our butter short crust......

topped with the oatiest, butteriest crumble topping.....


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